Sunday, February 28, 2010

Heather's quilted handbag

I've been sewing all day. I got this hand bag finished for my daughter, Heather. It is one of those crazy fabrics, y did I buy it, except for a purse. Hopefully she loves it. Lots of pockets inside.
The dog in the picture is Baby bear. He likes it.

This weekend I'm sewing pillows for my daughter to take for some of the kids at her preschool. It is not much of a challenge but the kids will like them. They are 10"x16" Big enough for little 2 or 3 year olds. They then have to get them in their cubby.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Small But Cute

It is another cold, COLD day in Florida! I'm sick of it. I don't have any pretty snow to look at just lots of brown. I'll be so happy to see spring.

My knee surgury will be on March 16. YEA!!!
This little wall hanging I did in the Laura Wasilowski style. It was simple and took me time to sit and do hand stitching and cutting! Love that. I feel like spring maybe just around the corner. Wow summer may come too! The wall hanging just makes me feel good.

Monday, February 22, 2010

These blocks I made yesterday. I had so much fun just putting all kinds of fabric together. I think I could just go on and on and make a king size quilt with these lttle 6" blocks. The sewing machine in the picture is my old Phaff that is about 17 years old I just love it.

This is my new Basket Quilt. I used my easy method for making baskets. This little wall haning was all done on the machine. I used decorative stitches for the applique.